Municipal Webinar Schedule

MPAC 101 – Our role in the property assessment and taxation system

Whether you're new to the municipal sector or looking to deepen your understanding of Ontario's property assessment and taxation system, this webinar is for you. Join MPAC's subject matter experts Jon Hebden, Regional Manager, Golden Horseshoe, and Sarah Lake-Mitchell, Account Manager, City of Toronto, for our MPAC 101 session and hear more about:

  • MPAC’s role in property assessment
  • Three approaches to valuation
  • How assessment concerns are resolved
  • The relationship between property values and taxes
  • Programs and tools for managing reassessment changes
  • Don't miss this valuable opportunity—bring your questions and gain insights directly from the experts!

Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT

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To view recordings of all past webinars, see below or visit our YouTube Channel.

Date Topic
January 30, 2025

Unlocking the potential of MPAC data products with Natasha Dawood and Janet Rombis from your Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team, together with Julie Millson, Program Manager, Partnerships, Data, Analytics and Visualization Services, York Region.

Watch the recording here

Date Topic
September 11, 2024

MPAC Property Insights and Meeting the Evolving Needs of Our Partners – A Municipal Update

President and CAO, Nicole McNeill, Acting Vice-President, Valuation and Customer Relations, Dan Devellis, and Vice-President, Public Affairs and Customer Experience, Jamie Bishop, presented MPAC’s annual municipal update. The presentation included information on our data strategy and leveraging MPAC data for informed decision-making, recent operational highlights, property insights and market trends. A Q+A session followed the presentation.

Watch the recording here

June 25, 2024

Tax Applications: An overview and update 

MPAC subject matter experts Brian Lopes, Senior Legislation and Policy Analyst, and Rebecca MacDonald, Manager Valuation and Customer Relations, provided an overview and update on the processing of Tax Applications. 

The webinar reviewed the legislation related to tax applications and presented a change in how MPAC processes two specific application types: buildings damaged by fire, demolition, or otherwise, and repairs or renovations to land that prevent the normal use of the land. 

Watch the recording here

May 23, 2024

MPAC's Best Practices for Protecting your Municipality's Data 

Subject matter expert Mirza Baig, Director, Cyber Security, discussed the extensive cyber security measures MPAC continues to take to manage and protect its billions of data points. Mirza featured the new security controls MPAC has implemented and shared best practices for protecting your municipality’s data and systems.

Watch the recording here

March 27, 2024
MPAC Data and the Data Sharing and Services Agreement

MPAC subject matter experts Natasha Dawood, Regional Manager, Greater Toronto Area, Janet Rombis, Municipal Product Manager and Jeffrey Ma, Associate General Counsel, Corporate, provided an update and overview of the Data Sharing and Services Agreement and the acceptable uses of MPAC data. The webinar also reviewed the process for data requests and shared some examples of the most common uses of our data.

Watch the recording here

January 17, 2024

MPAC Appeals: An update

MPAC subject matter expert Georgia Ribeiro, Director, Legislative Interpretation, Litigation and Strategy and Tom Elliot, Manager, Litigation and Special Properties, Legal Policy and Compliance offered an update and answered questions on the current state of property assessment appeals. Topics covered included appeal numbers and scheduling, issue estoppel, emerging issues and palpable errors, and recent Assessment Review Board decisions.

Watch the recording here

Date Topic

November 16, 2023

Pit and quarry appeals update

MPAC subject matter experts Tim Harrison, Director, Assessment Litigation & Dispute Resolution, and Susan Harris, Director, Valuation, Research and Advisory Services, presented a comprehensive overview about MPAC’s work related to recent pit and quarry appeal decisions. You can watch the presentation now, along with a Q&A session that followed the webinar session.

Watch the recording here

September 7, 2023

MPAC’s role in the property tax and assessment system – a municipal update

President and CAO, Nicole McNeill, and Vice-President and COO, Carmelo Lipsi, presented MPAC’s annual municipal update, including our work to keep Ontario’s property database current, tools to empower property owners, recent operational highlights and property insights and our role in the property tax and assessment system. A Q+A session followed the presentation.

Watch the recording here

June 21, 2023
Overview of MPAC’s AboutMyProperty™ Online Tool and the Property Assessment Notice

Subject matter experts, Ingrid Baxter, Director, Valuation Experience, and Atika Hintzen, Manager, Valuation Experience, provided an overview of MPAC’s AboutMyProperty online tool and how it can help property owners learn more about their MPAC assessment. Property Assessment Notices were also highlighted and a Q+A followed.

Watch the recording here.

May 17, 2023

The Municipal and Consultant Enquiries Process and Municipal Connect Update

Subject matter expert Anne Haines, Regional Manager, Southwestern Ontario, provided an overview of MPAC’s New Municipal and Consultant enquiry process, which will ensure relevant exchange of key data, as well as a focus on education for our top three municipal enquiry topics, to ensure timely responses.

We were also joined by subject matter expert Laura Voltti, Regional Manager, Northern Ontario, who offered an update on the upcoming building permit enhancements to Municipal Connect, MPAC’s primary source of assessment-related information for Ontario municipal staff.

Watch the recording here.

April 4, 2023

MPAC’s New Data Sharing Services Agreement & Data Strategy Consultation

MPAC is pleased to share the new Data Sharing and Services Agreement (DSSA) that we have collaboratively created with a municipal working group to modernize and simplify our overarching agreements with each of our municipal partners. Watch our April 4 webinar recording to learn about our new DSSA, the benefit for municipalities, and our roll-out plan. It also highlights a focused municipal consultation that is forthcoming from MPAC to support our corporate Data Strategy Project.

Watch the recording here.

March 23, 2023

MPAC 101 – Our Role in the Property Tax and Assessment System 

MPAC's subject matter experts Anne Haines, Regional Manager, Southwestern Ontario, and Jon Hebden, Regional Manager, Golden Horseshoe, in partnership with Theresa Parzei, Senior Economist, Property Tax Policy Unit, Ministry of Finance, presented an overview of Ontario’s property tax and assessment system, including MPAC’s role, the three approaches to valuation, and how assessment concerns are resolved. Watch the recording of our March 23 webinar and learn more about the relationship between property values and taxes, as well as programs and tools for managing reassessment changes. 

Watch the recording here.

March 9, 2023

Farm Tax Incentive Program Overview 

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and Agricorp joined MPAC subject matter experts for an overview of the Farm Tax Incentive Program. Watch the recording of our March 9 webinar for an overview of the program’s administration and process for municipalities from application through approval. Other topics discussed included consolidation and severance, TIAs, and TIYs.  

Watch the recording here.

January 26, 2023

Farm Forestry Exemption

If the properties within your municipality include farmland with wooded areas, then you will likely want to know more about changes to the Farm Forestry Exemption. Watch the recording of our January 26 webinar, when subject matter experts Laura Voltti, MPAC Regional Manager, Northern Ontario, and Terri-Lyn Wright, MPAC Property Valuation Specialist, Central Ontario explained the exemption, eligibility criteria, how MPAC is implementing the legislative changes that occurred, and how municipalities may be affected.

Watch the recording here.