Waterfront Home Property Assessments
Your property is considered "waterfront" if it meets one of these criteria:
- has direct access to a natural or man-made waterway such as a lake, river, channel or canal
- it is separated from the water by a right-of-way, private road or unopened road.
In valuing waterfront properties, we consider other factors that apply to non-waterfront properties, as outlined below.
Factors that affect your waterfront home's assessed property value
We look at sales and compare your property to similar properties that have sold in your area. This approach is called direct comparison approach.
While over 200 factors are considered when assessing a property, these five factors account for 85% of your home’s value:

Additional factors that affect the value of your waterfront home
For waterfront homes, the body of water your property is adjacent to or located on, and the amount of water frontage are important factors, in addition to:
- seasonal or water access
- shoreline type (e.g. rocky, sandy, marshland)
- topography
- island versus mainland property
- water source
- heating type
- predominant exposure (e.g. facing north)
- fireplaces
- hydro services
- sanitary services (e.g. septic bed)
- secondary structures (e.g. boathouses, decks, cabins)
We also look at land title documents and building permits, and often conduct on-site property inspections to ensure we have the most up-to-date and accurate information about your property.
Learn more about your property's assessment
You can find more detail about the factors considered when assessing your property and similar properties at AboutMyProperty.